To the extent we can step back and get a universal view of the varied reactions to the presence
of Coronavirus one must come away with the realization that humanity is headed in many, many directions. Whether it be ourselves, our families, our neighbors and friends, those with whom we work and the hordes of people we can read about day in and day out, it’s very easy to come to understand that we are anything but united in terms of how we are reacting and what we are inclined and willing to do about that.
What strikes me are the ways in which we as individuals are responding. Our individual response and attitude is what seems to determine how we react … how long we will tolerate the situation and whether or not we will follow recommended guidelines aimed at greatly reducing the hundreds or thousands who have contracted the virus and even died from having it.
It seems apparent that how we do respond and for how long we are willing to adhere to any suggested remedies has so much to do with what the existence of COVID-19 has imposed on our lives. None of us need to go far to hear or personally experience some of the following:
- I am sick and tired of wearing a mask
- I am a prisoner in my own residence
- I believe this is a manufactured ailment and has created uncalled for hysteria
- I am not a trained teacher and my children need to be in school to learn properly
- I am tired of not being able to do the things that make me happy and I’m done!
- I am not going to let the politics of the left/or right dictate what I need to do and how I get to live my life
- I am going to be out on the street if I don’t earn money. Restart the businesses now
The bottom line here is that it would be extremely difficult to find anyone we encounter who won’t agree with being ‘over’ this. And this is where we run headlong into the problem. As we realize we’re done with this and move to take back the life we want to live, we individually resume doing the things that serve to prolong this sad situation. And yet, if you have spent any time studying our country’s map and how each state is doing you must notice that after 6-7 months, we do not seem to have flattened any national curve. In fact, it is rising, and we have been warned to expect even more as we move beyond summer.
Convenience and Reality as Inconvenient … and Perhaps Unrealistic … Bedfellows
I am hard pressed to find any of the suggested ‘as needed’ remedies aligning with actions that can also be considered convenient. Apparently, gaining control over the explosive nature of COVID-19 is going to require some form of shutdown representing a massive reduction in the things that we consider our rights as citizens. Here are what some of the conveniences that we long for that, in fact, appear to take us and things in the opposite direction from gaining control over this explosive virus:
- The ability to hold celebrations that we have planned and for which we have waited and of which we have dreamt
- The ability to frequent restaurants, bars and nightclubs freely and without concern
- The ability to shop be it at our favorite mall, store or market
- The ability to send our children to school as they have always been able to do
- The ability to socialize with others without the need of personal protective equipment
- The ability to go to the office to accomplish work in a business-like setting
Certainly, there are other conveniences that are or have been missed and it is understandable that our individual tolerance for what we are expected to give up varies from person to person. And still, when we consider the lack of progress that has been made within our country, state or city in terms of curtailing the spread of this monster, we realize the apparent incompatibility of convenience and reality.
What Is the Win and What Will It Take to Achieve It?
This is the decision that we are individually going to have to make. What will it take for us to reach the limit of our willingness to fight what the reality indicates is needed to gain control over the past and future devastation of COVID-19? Personally, I have no answer as I can only think of myself and my willing actions. However, this is a decision that we are all going to have to make. And … it appears … that until the noise representing resentment, refusal and intention to defy any and all suggestions that support the reality of our devastating situation we will continue to fan the very fires for which we have lost patience and tolerance. Until we can all give in to the reality of this challenge and bring our actions into alignment with what recovery will take, we stand to deepen the horror pit that has been created.
Yes, it is our individual choice. Yes, we are all sick and tired of having to contend with the malady of inexperienced proportions. And yes, we need to redefine what winning really looks like and requires. I can only hope that we can all begin playing the same game with the same rules and the sooner the better.
Mike Dorman
Well said Mike. A very cogent statement. I want to be a little tougher on Americans who feel that their “constitutional rights” override public health and safety concerns. They don’t, and they never have. What I want to know is who taught them that they did? I want to publicize the names of the pundits who preach this unpatriotic garbage to a gullible public. Start with the radio/TV talk show morons who belittled the pandemic threat in late February and early March. They mocked and politicized a looming health catastrophy. Sure, what could be funnier than a killer virus on the loose with no human immunity and no vaccine or curative medication. Worse yet, even though they have been proved wrong (160,000 times so far) they continue to whine about their “rights”. There is no longer a need to be civil in confronting dumb and dumber. Have a nice day.
I appreciate your comment Irwin and yet I believe it is going to take each one of us to reach our point of surrender and make the decision to get on board with doing what gaining control over this will require … from each and every one of us. Mike
Compliments on your post Mike. As with many issues these days our Country is deeply divided over the best way to respond to our pandemic. I have the highest respect for you and your wisdom but I don’t share your opinion on this one. Here’s why. People under 55 y/o are more likely to die in a car accident than coronavirus. Children under 11 y/o are more likely to die of a lightning strike than Covid. The median age in the US for corona deaths is 78 y/o. The people at risk of dying from this virus are over 65 y/o.. Taking these things into consideration, it seems reasonable to me that we should focus on the people at risk and not burden the other 90% of the country who are not at significant risk. So, what’s our end game…there are only two ways of defeating COVID…a vaccine or achieving herd immunity. According to polls, only half the people would take the vaccine if it were available tomorrow. The limited effectiveness of flu vaccines is well known as well. That leaves us with herd immunity which I suspect is the most intelligent approach. There’s an abundance of information out there on achieving herd immunity so I won’t get into it here.. I want to end by saying something about constitutional rights. At 75 y/o, I am one of those “high risk” people. It is my responsibility to shelter down if I don’t want to take the risk. On the other hand, if I wish to visit my grandkids or go out to dinner it is also my right to risk dying to do it. It is grossly unfair to shut down the entire Country so a small segment of the population can be safe. Our government’s duty is to keep us informed and allow us the freedom to make decisions on our own.
Thanks for your response Dave. In rereading the blog ended by saying that each one of us was going to have to make our personal decision as to how we respond to COVID-19. Obviously one’s personal feeling and opinion is going to guide that person as to how they react to this virus. So I agree with you … you can and will do what you feel is the right path for you. That is a decision we all must make.