Slowly but surely, we are all beginning to know people who have received the COVID vaccine. And after the magic two-week post-vaccination period has passed we are daring to reemerge into our worlds. We are beginning to reclaim what was rather abruptly taken away from us over a year ago. And regardless of how closely one may have followed the recommended protocols to stay safe and avoid the virus, chances are that our day-to-day lives just haven’t been the same.
What appears to be ‘all-of-a-sudden’ we can reengage in simple behaviors that were second nature to us. Seeing a friend and immediately greeting them with a big hug or a handshake seems wonderful and yet awkward. Deciding to go out to a favorite local restaurant for a meal because you wanted to ‘give yourself a break today because you could. Having some friends over for a meal and sitting INSIDE your home while enjoying their company. Who really knew that the things that were a part of our daily lives would every become extinct behaviors? Who knew how or when we would come to see such simple acts as the rarity they became? And who knew that getting these freedoms back would seem like such a noticeably BIG deal?
The things we welcome with open arms
For several months I have addressed various aspects of how this Pandemic impacted us and our individual and collective worlds. And now, we have a vaccine that is available to all who want it within just a very few months. I have wondered what the workplace equivalents are that will be inching their way back into our lives? What are those things that we took for granted … then lost … and really look forward to again being a part of our lives and the ways we live? As it turns out there are many. Here are some simple and little niceties we again get to anticipate and welcome:
- Getting to see our work colleagues … in person
Perhaps we work as a part of a project team or we are simply a member of an overall organizational team. Regardless, connection of team members has always been considered beneficial for the bond created and the true sense of common purpose. Working strictly through emails, texts, phones, or virtual zoom style meetings simply doesn’t create or develop the all-important sense of connection.
The regained LITTLE thing having BIG impact:
Regardless of the frequency, what we will get to return to in some form and frequency is being together and so many indicate their #1 desire is to get this back when again safe to do so. - Being able to ‘meet’ with others in the same room … together
The likes of Zoom seemed so nice in the ability it enabled us to SEE our workmates. Yet with the passing months remaining tuned into these meetings became increasingly challenging. Staying focused when also receiving incoming texts and emails wasn’t as easy. Or ignoring other noises emanating from others in our remote work locations was simply difficult. The zooming ‘in’ eventually became a tool that allowed us to zoom ‘out’.
The regained LITTLE thing having BIG impact:
The ability to see, touch and interact with others in the workforce. Although for many, working ‘in the office’ daily may not be the new normal, organizations are designing the way that they can still bring their teams together on occasion be them for planning and implementation sessions. - Going to an office will allow us to differentiate between work and personal time
One of the biggest challenges and complaints when working from home has been a reduced ability for many to separate their two worlds. The lines have become blurred and has increased frustration and unhappiness.
The regained LITTLE thing having BIG impact:
Through 2019, we got up each morning and went to the office. While there we were focused on the various tasks and responsibilities we had leading to success in our jobs and for the team. At day’s end, we returned home and there, were able to pursue other aspects of our lives … some responsibilities and some personal interests. The lines of separation once again become sharper, and we are better able to ‘unplug’
- The water cooler provides more than just a drink
Working remotely really mandated that almost all our interactions would be just about the business at hand. What do I need from or provide to you? What are the decisions we need to discuss to allow us to move forward? It was a case of just give me the facts and we’ll both be able to move on.
The regained LITTLE thing having BIG impact:
What did you do this weekend? How is your family doing? Would you like to have lunch or a drink after work? It’s the water cooler that provided such opportunities for exchanges as such. Maybe they didn’t further the project, yet they did build connection and that does contribute to successful joint efforts. - One is a lonesome number
One of the often-heard comments from people who have spent most of the year working remotely is simply being lonesome. We were forced to make this work if we were lucky enough to have work and that’s what many did. But that didn’t translate being happy.
The regained LITTLE thing having BIG impact
Many have come to recognize that working in an environment of solitary confinement is beyond any sense of peace and quiet we crave. We came to appreciate the noise of the office. It was alive and created an energy that translated positively to those of us there and we get that back!
Welcome back after what seems like a very long absence
The above ‘regained’ things address those who have been fortunate enough to be able to work and earn during this pandemic. As life resumes some semblance of normalcy it is expected to open more and more doors to potential employment. Certainly, this is exciting for us, our friends and family and for the world in which we live for which the ‘regain’ stands to be enormous. The reality is that within months we can expect to see welcome change that will bring several ‘little’ things back into our lives. Of course, we took them for granted because they have always been there. Now, going forward I can’t help but believe we will all come to recognize and appreciate them just a bit more. I can’t wait. And you?
Mike Dorman
Well written and said Mike!