A few days ago I met with a new client who had made a decision to use the coached approach to create the movement he wanted and needed to achieve the success he envisioned in his profession. But more specific than achieving just dollars, it was related to his wanting to make the dream for his life and that of his family, become reality. Wait a minute. Dreaming? Get real you say? Stop wasting time and just do it?
I get the questions and yet I got curious and googled around because I wanted to understand the value of dreaming in the first place … that is, if there really was one. Then, what could be the potential impact it actually could have on any and all aspects of our lives? My initial finding was this must see video that, in a brief TWO minutes I predict it will give you an exciting jolt regardless of where you are in your life. .
So what did you see? I know it was about life-long friends, obviously older and all suffering various ailments. Yet
hopefully, you also saw people who broke out of the box in which they found themselves … trapped … and resumed living by following their dream. But take this further and into your own life.
- By acknowledging and honing in on your dreams, what becomes possible that perhaps … just perhaps … we had accepted as being out of reach?
- Where are you stuck in your daily routines and rituals?
- What is something you need to do that is really daring and takes you out of your comfort zone at the same time is allows you to bring life back into your living.
My google search also led me to several papers written on the subject and these summations of two of them express what others reinforced.
- Elizabeth Larsen said “the idea of dreaming about the future may seem pointless and if that is or has been your perspective to date, maybe it’s time you retired it. The payoff of dreams doesn’t have to be decades into the future. They can inspire ambitions, galvanize your focus, rev up your energy supply and increase your life satisfaction starting right now.”
- Author Richard J Leider expressed that “Dreaming puts our less authentic priorities to shame. Once we have our highest goal in sight, we want to simplify our days and free ourselves from distractions so that we can pursue our passion with even more clarity of purpose. In this context, sacrifices become less painful. Obstacles seem less daunting. Our best abilities are sharpened, and often our sense of higher purpose unfolds.”
My new client is using coaching to forge his path to fulfilling his dream within the work arena. And, regardless of what tool you want or need to employ to do the same for yourself, dream it and you have taken the initial step to doing it. A waste of time or the path of living fully? The answer seems obvious to me. You agree?
Mike Dorman