I had an interesting comment from a reader after my last post … the one entitled “What’s Grit Got to Do, Got to Do With It?”. What he said was “I feel you should move on from the existing recession talk, and put on a more positive “we’re in recovery mode” attitude.” This moved me to re-read my last several posts as I was curious as to what gave the impression that I was stuck in ‘recession talk’.
What I’ve concluded is that this reader must be one of the lucky ones whose company is at the front end of recovering. They are, most likely, far along in their transition from surviving the storm to, once again, driving their success and congratulations are in order!
That you as a reader are even here today tells us this about your organization and those in it …
- You were able to survive the threatening and wild ride (akin to that of Disneyland’s Mr. Toad)
- You demonstrated the flexibility, as needed, to respond to the changes imposed upon you with determination and mental resolve
- You acted boldly and wasted little if any time bemoaning what happened or what was and the company has taken steps to reclaim the driver’s seat on the way back to success known in the past.
How long it will take for an organization to reach full recovery is influenced by several factors. Ponder these:
- Did your products have to significantly change?
- Did you have to find a new market for your product?
- Did the company have to bring about major changes to their processes?
- Did cutbacks require that the company eliminate many jobs including leaders … something that now requires rebuilding the organization?
With the signs continuing to point to a strong and improving business economy, your company, as many others, needs to be driven in a controlled way to reclaim a successful future. Are you finished (as in “are we there yet”)? Most likely not as few are. However, there is reason to believe that just about every organization is on their way and definitely glad of it. So where are you, how much further do you have to go and what is it going to take to take over the driving? This is a GREAT inquiry and one we are hearing more and more. I believe we can help you find out.
We have developed a brief survey that will take no more than 5 minutes to complete. And when you do so … and submit it as requested … we will quickly process your information and tell you where we believe you are on that path. We will also share what your next steps need to be.
That’s all you’ll hear from us unless you specifically ask for more information with questions of this nature:
- What are the most effective steps we can take to achieve what remains to be done?
- Or … given where we are in our process and on our path, what is the time we can expect to take to complete our assent?
Are you willing to spend 3 or 4 minutes and try it? Even if it only serves to be a topic of conversation within the company’s leadership team or within your specific department, I assure you, it will lead to some interesting and valuable conversations! There is really only an up-side so why not? Take the survey HERE
Mike Dorman
Please send survey!
Thanks for asking Dianne, The survey can be accessed from our home page or directly here: https://thethirdzone.com/forms/leadership-evaluation-survey/.