As we approached the end of 2012 the news was consumed with reporting the minute by minute drama associated with the fiscal cliff. Were we going to fall over it with potentially devastating consequences? Or were our leaders going to find the path that would avoid the fall? I do know that while the political game was hot and heavy it caused some very real stress for those of us observing. Happy New Year! Really? Oh well … we can all breathe … at least for a couple of months while the games continue.
All of this got me thinking about what’s going on within organizations. The past few years have been all about challenge. The hurting economy clearly imposed major damage and setbacks to organizations across all business types and industries. Those that are still standing are encouraged by signs of recovery, aided by leaders acting on a desire to reclaim the driver’s seat of the organization. So, although there has been teetering on the edge, the ground has begun to level out. So much for the organization … but what about the individual people?
The people within the company have endured the shaky ride peering over a cliff. This has been both personally threatening and VERY stressful.
- Actual positions have been threatened
- Job responsibilities have changed and frequently increased
- The threat to survival has shaken the security of income and the ability to provide for personal and family needs
In a similar way that Washington temporarily avoided a cliff fall and must continue to address and resolve other key issues that will steady the ground, so must an organization be sensitive to the individual traumatic experience of their most important resource – people. Those organizations that take the time and effort to address this reality and realign the people behind the new realities of their business today will take a BIG step to truly returning to a steady and successful path for the business. It takes relatively little time with huge and positive results. Do you have questions about this? Just ask.