Our Team


Mike Dorman

Successful Entrepreneur. Growth Leader. Executive Coach. Team Performance Expert.

Irvine, CA


Shekinah Shephard

Collaboration Inspiration. Executive Leadership Experience. Global Business Executive. Process Improvement Development.

Alameda, CA


Barbara Wisnom

Organizational Development Consultant. Trainer/Facilitator. Senior Business Executive. Expert in Excellence.

Schenectady, NY

What We Do

Delivering Leadership Excellence Through A Proven Process.


 We employ BOLD (Beyond Ordinary Leadership Development) coaching techniques to leverage the expertise of the organization’s leadership team and its individual leaders. 

 We create ambitious, yet achievable, strategies for the future. We conduct both team and individual strategic coaching for guaranteed and sustained excellence. 


 Our team of Experienced Business Leaders all of whom are Certified Professional Coaches. 


 B.O.L.D. methodology can be applied on a Cross-Functional and Multi-Level basis and to several focus areas including: 

  •  • Leadership Transformation Program – Moving From ‘Okay’ Success To Excellence 
  •  • Performance Improvement Of the Collective Teams and Individuals 
  •  • A collaborative effort to set specific goals and create an effective action plan 
  •  • Utilization of state-of-the-art Coaching Tools That Facilitate Desired Improvements 
  •  • Enhancing Effective Communication through learning and applying of Meaningful Skills 
  •  • Achieving Sustainable Results That Replace the “Flavor-of-the-Month” of the Past 

Photo credit: Tim Hipps/US Army



Success Moves Up to Excellence

The company is an umbrella organization (managed by a President and his COO) with seven additional divisions, each managed by a president. Each division operated autonomously and, in actuality, knew little of what the others did and had never been motivated to consider or seek out a cooperative inter-
relationship with each other. In every case, each division was extremely successful.
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Manager-Driven Recovery

This chain of retail stores has one store under the direction of a single manager. Initially two of the
managers we were asked to coach were overseeing stores that were on a downward slide in terms
of sales and customer growth. The company was at the point of believing that the solution was to
‘demote’ these managers to a support position and bring in leadership to accomplish the company goals.
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Turn-around Teamwork

A high-end market in an affluent resort city in Southern Florida was facing the influx of new and extensive competition after many years of being unique in their marketplace. They had committed almost one million dollars to accomplish a major face-lift for both the interior and exterior of the store. 
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